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aka BOO!/teehee?!/ahtonggg/ SHUITONGG!/ tony-.-
nanyang girls! 106 206!<333
guzheng ensemble<333
a lil harry potter mad

loves Y

♥LCDcomputers! laptop!
my life?
♥guzheng & piano

goood grades!
goood health!
moore money$!
GWH 2007!
GWH 2009~
stop eating so much-.-
travel ard the world! ahaha esp tokyo & paris♥
grrr cm...
harrypotter & the deathly hallowss...<3
have all the books in HP series? ;D
give me a good jacket!
learn jap & french (properly)
get gooood results for EOYs & be happy;DDD

lead you elsewhere!
guzheng ensemble! Y


Designer: Lisee
Hosted: Blogger
x x
Friday, December 21, 2007
ages since i have ever ever ever came here.
sigh my last post dated a wholly 3 months ago, before eoys...
i guess the only right explanation for this long disappearance is the lack of interest, which holds true.
other reasons are probably trival things like being the lazy person i am, cant be bothered to update, sometimes with more 'interesting' things to do, forgetting i had a blog.
haha i really would like to thank everyone who still bothered to tag and ask about my existence on this face of the planet :D (though i really did appeared to be rotting away in some faraway cemetery with the fact that i seldom appeared online on msn hehe)

a little update..(:
only a little more than a week to school and i seriously am not in the mood D:<
not because i am absolutely hectic, or have a lot on my hands, but just really, not done with relishing the everydays of lovely holidays :D hehheh but i think recently i am being..quite a..pariah or something. xb
in dec, other than 1 class outing, 1 exclass outing, 2 friends outings, and some christmas shopping with my mum, i have been staying at home for most of the time.
hm other than a few rare going to k's or coming to mine, all these meetings are like, only a week of one whole month...
esp recent days..
i am not complaining at home (at all)or wanting to go out, but i think every human being still need to..erh socialise? like its some kind of nature thing born in you...i just sometimes feel an urge to talk to someone if im at home, and not on the msn..
bah anyway it wont happen.
yep oh & btw, today i just received the notice from nus for my gz exam..guess what? merit man. i think i love the examiner. i swear i didnt bribe her haha. u know..if i can get merit, i think most people can get distinctions alr, and im not kidding at all. i have to be the worst..that day was quite crazy literally, i know i was nervous, but my heart didnt really increase its rate significantly or something. when i played, i..felt no sense of..me. it really was crazy. like nothing, my hands, my brain, my whole body-none of them belonged to me..
and listening for me sucked so bad...>< minor 3rd totally totally blew my marks away...D;
BUT still i got merit. i dont feel triumphant (cos that had to be my worst possible performance ever & i still got merit so if i just stayed the usual i could have possibly gotten a distinction) but i guess...
nope it didnt really lift my spirits either.
aiya either way, its over....
anw recently i have taken a liking to read fanfics. :DD i think i am going nuts (mmm well at least im pretty sure my eyes wont deepen in degrees anymore..) but i cant stop.
maybe i have gone so crazy..that now i dont even mind those haha loud blaring bands that i would have absolutely hated in the past. like MCR & linkin park. ok not all of their songs, but some, that still had some kind of melody and such in them...

see? i have just prattled about nothing of any importance in some rather long paras and i should call .... but its a lil late...oh well no matter :D

oh and i dont know if this is the end for this blog..but i wont delete it anyway; i like to reminise? reminisce? (i cant spell for nuts....) :D
its quite funny and entertaining to read those past entries...haha whether they were meant to be emo or what. ;D

and so for now...
bye bye! i love this blog haha!
happy christmas and happy new year!!!
(with the imminent dreaded reopening of school >< D:)
rah still, cherish the last days... :D

{/9:56 PM}
Typed by Yours Truly.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
eek i think i shall be good & do some tagged quizzes(:
eh linxi & shir tagged the same quiz! so i shall do two:D
and and a long ago quiz of hongkai haha

1. (The person who tagged you is)

2. (Your relationship with him/her is)
classmate, groupmate, good friend:D

3. (5 impressions you have of him/her)
#1 cute & a lil blur! haha
#3 AND hardworking!!
#4 helpful, a girls guide!
#5 petite! really!

4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you)
i dont ever rmb this kind of stuff..say, the bio sia then! she organised & arranged the foundation of the key! & we got rather high marks:DDD

5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you)
haiyo dont rmb leh..:]

6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will)
make her eat more? (& dont waste food! >:D)

7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be)
her very small appetite! haha oh no then she'll become a fatty like me! hehe

8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will)
... stuff her with food?! im being crazy.

9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be)
she ate my food -.- (firstly she never will hehheh)

10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is)
aw give me some of her super intelligence):

11. (your overall impression of him/her is)
kind & a prokia! ;D

12. (how do you think people around you will feel about you)
lazy & crazy. (it rhymes!)

13. (the characteristic you love about yourself is)
eh if i start on something i will definitely do my best to finish it.

14. (on the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is)
slack & slack & slack; + distracted by lots of things!

15. (the most ideal person you want to be is)
being myself luh, no one is really ideal though.

16. (for people that care and like you, say something to them)
thank you merci! :D

17. (pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you)
1. linxi (this can go on & on..)
2. shirlynn!
3. wanting!
4. hongkai!
5. tongzhen!
6. shermaine!
7. jiinn! (aw i miss playing tug-o-war during ICT today xD)
8. jolinee!
9. chongmin!
10. yeujia!

who is no.6 having a relationship with? [shermaine]
sher is a guai girl.. but hm who knows!

is no.9 a male or female?[chongmin]

if no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? [jiinn & yeujia]
gosh poor jiinn will be infected with the virus, & the sickness of yeujia!

what is no.2 studying about? [shirlynn]
anything & everything..?

when was the last time you had a chat with no. 3? [wanting]
hmmm maybe today? i dont really rmb..

what kind of music does no.8 like? [joline]
HAHA horry music! *cues our music group's tribal cum horror music*

does no.1 have any siblings? [linxi]
yes..a sister..right..? ><

will you woo no.3? [wanting]
oh no no we must be good students & study! hehheh:D

how about no.7? [jiinn]
haha no but i would like to play neopets with her!

is no. 4 single? [hongkai]
woo..probably not. (hm hehheh)

what's the surname of no.5? [tongzhen]

what's the name of no.10? [yeujia]
yeujia. aka. squid!

what's the hobby of no.4? [hongkai]
hobby ar? playing puzzles pirates? haha! :D

do no.5 and 9 get along well? [tongzhen & chongmin]
woo i have no idea. maybe chongmin will pester tongzhen till she dies or something. ok i dont know what im talking.

where is no.2 studying at? [shirlynn]
nanyang girls!

say something casual about no.1 [linxi]
she's petite:D

have you tried developing feelings for no.8? [joline]
hah yeah maybe i will love her after she plays the wonderful music composed by her (& jessica!)

here does 9 live? [chongmin]

what colour does no.4 like? [hongkai]
hm i never really knew about that before. i think it depends on her mood? /:

are no.5 and 1 best friends? [linxi & tongzhen]
hm rather good friends at least to say(:

does no.7 like no.2? [jiinn & shirlynn]

did you get to know no.2? [shirlynn]
yes my desk partner:DD

does no.1 have any pets? [linxi]
hm living in such a big house i think she should..but i rmb last time go her house i dont see any pets around..

is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? [jiinn]
wah jiinn?! not really..but she is cute(:

& i just realised hongkai also tagged me this same quiz! o.o so popular!
aye i shall do shir's & do another one of hongkai's then! :D
sidetrack: i have a lot of ulcurs againnn...

1. (The person who tagged you is)

2. (Your relationship with him/her is)
classmate, deskpartner!, good friendd:DD

3. (5 impressions you have of him/her)
#1 small eyes like mine! (oops heh)
#2 random & crazy!
#3 prokia luh. clever!
#4 naughty..?!
#5 she's hardworking:]

4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you)
i dont rmb leh..

5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you)
doing doing doinggg!

6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will)
become crazy..xD

7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be)
erhhh? i dont know!? eat more...?!

8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will)
take revenge & give her lots of spicy food. -.-

9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be)
看不顺眼! hahahah!

10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is)
stop doing maths rev papers so fast! ;(

11. (your overall impression of him/her is)
crazy & random but still pro:D

12. (how do you think people around you will feel about you)
hm what did i answer for linxi?
oh i rmb.
crazy & lazy! (it rhymes!) wahaha!

eek questions all the same one! i shall not do le. hehheh.
off to hongkai's quiz a long time ago!

[1] hongkai!
[2] shirlynn!
[3] linxi!
[4] joline!
[5] jiinn!
[6] tongzhen!
[7] shermaine!
[8] chongmin!
[9] rania!
[10] yeujia!
[11] caoyun!

1) Why did you put Friend 1 [hongkai] first?
because she tagged me this(:

2) Friend 12 [wanting] last?
erh i looked at her modelly picture & poof her name:D

3) What do you think 3 [linxi] is wearing right now?
haha shirt & shorts! maybe something to do with pooh & the friends! haha;D

4) Have you ever had a crush on 7 [shermaine]?
hah not really but her dancing attracts me! ;D

5) What is most attractive about 4 [joline]?
so nutty random and funny to be with! really!

6) What is least attractive about 11 [caoyun]?
nothing really. so smart & tall & appopriately crazy! haha!

7) How did you meet 9 [rania]?
beloved cca guzheng!<333

8) If you had to label 2 [shirlynn], what would you label him/her as?
label...? erh erh i think she's a volcano?! sometimes dormant sometimes dangerous but still a very exciting & interesting thing (for me). i think im not making any sense at ALL.

9) Have you ever kissed 6 [tongzhen]?
GOSH i wont and she wont want that too! o.o she'll probably run away in horror and disgust! :D

10) Where do you usually go to meet 5 [jiinn] ?
eh her desk? canteen? we talk more often during ICT since we sit side by side;D
aw neopets<3

11) What could you see 10 [yeujia] doing for a living?
wow. this is very very hard (OOPS) to predict. she can go be mad scientist and discover new medications for sinus noses! haha:DD

12) Is 8 [chongmin] a model?
O.O hm. really. no. i think she'll be much better off being..herself. heh.

12) What song describes 5 [jiinn]
i really dont have no idea. xP

13) Do you think 3 [linxi] could kill someone?
my goodness. NO. being so gentle, i dont think linxi will to kill a mosquito! hahaha!

14) Does 9 [rania] look like a girl or a boy?
-.- she is a girl and looks like one.
thought she said she looks like aqua with her fringe clipped up.
nono she is a girl and still looks like one. :D

15) Does 1 [hongkai] play any video games?
PUZZLE PIRATES! if not, what else? :D
haha my acct already like deleted becos it has been so dusty and they finally said they will delete it. /:

16) What flavor ice cream does 4 [joline] like?
this, i really dont know cos i had never seen her eat ice cream before.

17) Has 2 [shirlynn] ever broken someones heart?
yeah probably...*smiles mysteriously* who knows?

18) Do you think 8 [chongmin] would rather have a million dollars or their true love?
hah both. she has been pestering to get $2 from me since dont know how long (luckily now i dont really see her), but i think she is greedy and would prefer true love too...

19) Would you/do you trust 6 [tongzhen]'s driving skills?
..NO. firstly she sits weirdly/legs too long, and she cant step on the pedal or the brake properly. gosh imagine if the pedal became brake & brake become pedal! o.o she's as blur as me so hm, i think she's better off not driving:D

20) If you and 11 [caoyun] were locked in a closet, what would you do?
gosh i hope the closet is dark. and i will cover my ears. because she will start going on about 1. sick stuff 2. random stuff 3. horror stuff 4. singing weird songs (we were locked in a staircase once and she did that-.- but it was interesting:DD)

21) How often do you talk to 4 [joline]?
erh regularly? she usually disappears during breaks to eat. i think. i dont see her!

22) Do you want 3 [linxi]'s body?
hm. i think i like my big body better. not her petite one. oh no that sounds sick:X

23) You and 10 [yeujia] are stranded on an island. How would 10 try to save yourselves?
wave frantically, go nuts, panic, panic, then probably gives up and sleeps. -.-

24) What stores does 8 [chongmin] get their clothes from?
erherh...i dont know. /:

25) If you could change one thing about 6 [tongzhen], what would it be?

26) What annoys you the most about 9 [rania]?
she's too tall. really. D:

27) What is the best thing 5 [jiinn] has done for you?
ooh actually quite a lot, esp last year i think?
making me laugh and go siao!
i only rmb today when we went crazy playing tug-o-war during ICT lesson!
wahaha cos we are guai and finished the assign long ago..
damn funny:DDDD

28) If 7 [shermaine] were a restaurant, which would they be and why?
probably has a nice ambience, and near some arts area? you know dance, arts, the kind of stuff?

29) Do you know any dirty secrets of 12 [wanting]'s?
i dont think so, she is definitely not dirty minded..><

30) At your wedding, what would 11 [caoyun] be doing?
probably eating away all the food at the wedding. -.- hehheh or scaring people away! haha:D

31) What is 8 [chongmin] most afraid of?
hurh i think its...nothing? i dont really see her in horror before.

32) What animal should 1 [hongkai] be and why?
hmmm..a rabbit?! so random but i think rabbits are so cutee! she should just be who she is now. HAH.

33) What do you think 10 [yeujia] is thinking right now?
thinking of revising, studying, and attempting not to sleep?
(aw she's hardworking)

34) What is the worst thing 7 [shermaine] could do to you?
i cant imagine shermaine doing any horrible things to me.
maybe...making me sing (& dance!) for our music project? aw..

35) Would 3 [linxi] be hot as the opposite gender?
hurh you mean change sex? eeks! she wont do that.

36) Is 12 [wanting] going to read this?
maybe, maybe not?

37) Why or why not?
because i think she doesnt usually read my blog. (:

38) What were your first thoughts when you saw 7 [shermaine]?
such a sunshine smile! really...:D

39) Do you trust 2 [shirlynn] with your deepest secrets?
haha but seriously, i dont have any deep secrets...

40) Would 12 [wanting] make a good teacher?
yeah, esp in an area she's good at? smarty pants wanting!

oh no i spent an hour on this DDDx
okay back to study now!!
i think i shall just say in case the very small amount of people who still cares to read my blog sees that my blog dies..
i am a HIATUS
cos i want to concentrate on eoys,
and having a blog somehow makes me feel responsible to update it.
yeah okay the end!
byebye blogggg!

{/5:58 PM}
Typed by Yours Truly.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
i think i will die soon,
becos my head has gone mad,
and i meant literally. )):

last friday seemed so long ago,
yet so near.
i missed the superb performances that dayyyyy!
i dont know why but i nearly cried!
it almost turned into children's day because the teachers' performances really really was very very entertaining..:DDD
gah then i rush rush to back to unity.
lucky i wasnt really very late..
met a whole bunch of people on 302(:
haha chatted with jiaxin
actually we really have not spoken for like 2 years,
but it felt like we were talking like we did in primary sch days,
and it wasnt awkward at all,
and i like the feeling;
then we went over to wenfei's house for bbq,
and seriously the sun was burning can!!
bbq mostly consisted of uncooked chicken wings (-.-), nice satay, beehoon, and stuff
and then we went back to the house and played games like truth or dare, murderer, & this game where you put your card on your forehead,
only others can see it,
they would tell you to change or stay,
but its your choice if you want it,
and after a round, the lowest do a forfeit!

it was a wonderful day really,
interacting with my current, and ex classmates..

ah pictures!

206<333 (without hk..)

shir & meee! <33

im showing this bcos yeujia looks damn funnyyy!

and lastly wanting who looks so different! hahaxD

was a sad day.
i could feel the loss although i wasnt close,
a lil heartache, a lil emptiness

tuesday (aka today):
mug mug!
with yeujia hk tongss
i think, it was a rather entertaining session.
so harddd...

i think i low blood pressure!

dadada i saw yutan and the rest under my house today!

{/8:09 PM}
Typed by Yours Truly.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
why is everyone like, i dont know, studyingg...
>< BAH eoys eoys eoys eoys eoys eoys
strangely i still havent feel the pressure on me yet /:
so i am absolutely not studying):

was dragged to buy teachers day presents with caoyun to westmall!
we bought & 'wrapped' in around 1 hr which is considered very fast okay!
(for 2 fickle-minded people)
i own her $7.80...
/: at first had mugging session i wanted to study physics then...
cos pam somehow didnt go..
ok rania didnt la
then the gaga tong go, dont go, go then in the end-didnt go too.
haiyo so i went home & slept? played? who knows.
stayed back with jessica to do ICT assignment!
im rather proud of my own work so haha(;

this is my inspiration picture SO CUTE RIGHTT

All of them are so kawaii righttt!
i like the doughtnut and sushi best!
and and..for the sushi one, they are actually using that pic to merchandise,
and i saw all the different kinds of products like t-shirts, notebook, clock..
its super uber nice...):
anw, all rights all to deviantart(:

i shall prac gz! ^^

{/9:16 PM}
Typed by Yours Truly.

Saturday, August 25, 2007
today is a day that i dont feel like doing anything

boh liao luh.
oh well this week...
-history test full mark:D
-french controle easier than i thought it to be:D
-i still suck at yueergao & jiangjunlinD:
-mug with tong & pam (with the result of completion of scws 3.1, maths, and chem chemical formulas until 90!) so :D except for the live the gorillas at my elbow by the work of pam D: sigh i never thought a sec 4 can be so erh childish! :]
-& i helped the dang k with art can! i havent finish my own model/:

i shall play neopets!
and find nice songss
my life is so routine actually...

boing boing boing!

{/3:10 PM}
Typed by Yours Truly.

Monday, August 13, 2007
i should be packing and dressing, ready to go off.
but i dont feel like it(:
wahh today at first supposed to watch secret with rania & pam at lido(& some others?)
but i had r&j presentation meeting..
so too bad no secret))):
but still, well well r&j is more important..

and i supposed to go at 10.30...
in case i am late as always
but looking at the clock i think im going to be quite late.
i have done nothing productive throughout the whole holidays
maybe i learnt how to play when you're gone
but nothing else.
SO happy.
but there isnt much to do luh..
back to school tmr :x

and ooh sat's 90th anniversary was..a very filling day.
haha i ate like, 3 breads provided by sch and gz,
one burger myself,
and another at burger king for dinner.
that makes 5 breads/burgers a day!
performance was okay?
anyway they were all eating, talking,
but i think dinners are like this luh.

okay have to go.
why do i have third langgggggg
i am crapping.
randommingg about
i am madddddd

{/10:13 AM}
Typed by Yours Truly.

wheee i audi-ed. ><
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
hehheh i finally managed to play audition after some long long months...
and it was funnnn! :DDD
played with 2 new people and they are pro & niceee(:
then stupid k went & sadly i left../:
see la k your fault!
gah anw.

today is x-cross country!
& i think i did well?
at first i ran with caoyun..
run run run
slap (her)
run run run
slap (her)

haha then erh met alicia & zexin and ended running some while with alicia & yay sprinted to the finishing linee^^
kfc with hk~
i miss the chickens & popcorn chicken & cheese friess xD

and and
slacked a while at home then played audi! yay <333
very happy it worked..(finally)

90th in 2 days..
& i am kinda scared.
yes, hengchun & endless love are quite erh old songs,
but i still am quite nervous.
and and i must practise yue er gao moree!!!
supposedly grade 8 piece..
it is much better than the pressing like mad song/:

anw on another note,
i am going to pack myself with food on saturday!!!
probably tabao stuff from mcdonalds bef going,
then bring sandwiches,
and whatever i can think of!
haha keyu reminded me!
wahlao whoever supposed to provide us lunch is so evil can.
just because we didnt reach the venue at 7.45 like the musical people,
we dont get lunch. -.-
we still reached at 11 can?!
haha and we the sec 2s sneaked? out to buy chicken rice from the food court at raffles city shopping centre, which of course invited lots of stares from the people.

french controle, individual speech, tidy files & bookshelf!
dont feel like doing anything.

if only you were here,
just you,
you alone,
it makes all the difference

{/7:42 PM}
Typed by Yours Truly.